Interested in fostering an animal in need? You’ve come to the right place! Trash Cat Rescue can always use more dedicated and loving foster families to help us prepare our cats and kittens for their forever homes.
Q: What is fostering, and why is it needed?
A: Fostering is the process of temporarily opening your home to a homeless animal. Fosters are needed for a variety of reasons, such as for animals that are too young to be adopted, that are sick, or that have behavioral issues (including scared/hissy kittens). For rescues like Trash Cat Rescue, which are 100% foster-based, even healthy, fully vetted cats or kittens need a foster home to live in while waiting to be adopted into their forever homes.
Q: What is required of me in order to foster?
A: The first step to becoming an approved foster for Trash Cat Rescue is to fill out our foster application. We will check landlord and vet references (if applicable). As the majority of cats/kittens being sent to foster homes are currently undergoing the vetting process, we recommend that any resident pets be up to date on vaccinations. We do require proof of FIV/FeLV testing for any resident cats in the home, and we require that fosters remain fully separated from resident pets at least until the vetting process of the foster animal is complete, or for a two week quarantine period, whichever is longer. All medical care for foster animals will be provided by Trash Cat Rescue. Food/litter and other supplies can also be provided, if needed.
Q: Can I work and still foster?
A: Yes! We work and have several fosters ourselves. All you need is a spare bedroom, bathroom, basement, garage, etc. for your fosters to hang out in, and some amount of extra time a day to spend with them (it doesn’t have to be hours and hours of time, but if you have that much extra time to give, great!). If your schedule is really tight and you still want to foster, skip the messy litters of kittens and talk to us about providing a space for someone healthy, laid back, and more low maintenance.
Q: What if I don’t want to foster because I’m afraid I’ll get too attached?
A: We can tell you firsthand, that EVERYONE gets attached to their fosters… especially their first fosters! It’s great when any cat/kitten finds their forever home (even if it’s their foster home!), but we are also here to help remind you that when you foster, it’s a temporary assignment, and finding an adopter is the goal. The best part about fostering is being able to help the next cat or kitten in need who is just as wonderful as the previous one you fell in love with.
Have more questions about fostering? Send us an email or a message on social media, and we will get back to you as soon as we can! Ready to give fostering a try? Apply here!